Altekz and Xyp9x to switch roles in the upcoming matches

April 18, 2023
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As Alexander "Altekz" Givskov has been included in the main roster for the coming period, Andreas "Xyp9x" Højsleth has agreed to help the talent team.

Director of Sports, Kasper Hvidt

- Throughout 2023, Alexander "Altekz" has been performing on a consistent, high level, and he is currently one of the most talented players in his role. As such, and in continuation of the first team coaches' desire to work with him in the coming period, we have had a good dialogue with Andreas "Xyp9x", who has agreed to help the talent team.

- It tells you everything about Andreas that his first thought is to help the organization where he can and give the talents a chance to learn from Andreas' huge experience, while at the same time, we can give one of the most talented young players the opportunity to get closer to the first team. Andreas is still part of our main roster, and the attitude he shows in a difficult situation is exactly what we are looking for in Astralis, says Hvidt.

Andreas "Xyp9x" Højsleth

- I am still super disappointed that we missed the qualification for the Major. That was my goal and everyone's ambition. An organization like Astralis must participate in all Majors and ultimately be able to compete for the title. When we miss this opportunity for the second time in a row, it's clear we have to look at all options. I know the game and know how I contribute, but I'm also Astralis to the core and will do what it takes to move us forward.

- People close to me know that I am a team player, and even though I am now taking a break from the A team, I will always be ready to help the organization and the team that I have been a part of since the very beginning. There are many talented players on the talent team, and I look forward to helping them. I hope, of course, that my experience and knowledge from countless large international tournaments can lift the players even, says Højsleth.

Alexander "Altekz" Givskov, new support for Astralis CS

Alexander "Altekz" Givskov

- I am super happy to be part of the talent team at Astralis and the culture we have built. We always work for each other to get better every day so that we can one day compete on the highest level. That's why, when "casle" told me they wanted to work with me on the first team. I was just all smiles and excitement, and I intend to give my everything to help the team. I haven't been made any promises, so for me it's just about showing what I can do and who I am as a person and as a player.

- I know there will be a lot of speculation, but for me, it's about Astralis and about being a team player so that we can lift the results together.

Andreas "Xyp9x" plays the first match for Astralis Talent on Wednesday at 12:30 CEST, where Prospects is the opponent in the European Pro League, Season 7.

Alexander "Altekz" Givskov will have to wait a little longer for his first team debut, which will happen in connection with the online tournament Brazy Party 2023. The tournament, which i.a. featuring opposition from teams like ENCE, BIG, OG, and Eternal Fire, kicks off on April 27.