Astralis: Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz In Transfer To NiP

April 23, 2021
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Astralis: Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz In Transfer To NiP

Astralis and the legendary Swedish organization Ninjas in Pyjamas have agreed to a transfer of Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz.  

The transfer is a result of a personal request from the player, who has expressed his wish to work out of Stockholm and still be able to have a team and organization close to him.

Kasper Hvidt, Director of Sports in Astralis:

- Nicolai has been a part of Astralis and the core of the team since day one, and he has been vital to the culture and legacy of the team. He is one of the greatest players of all time, and for any team to part ways with a player and a person like him is never easy in any way.

- His personality and contribution to Astralis, though, is also the reason why we have made the decision to help him out and arrange a transfer to NiP. For personal reasons he has asked us for the possibility to transfer to an organization closer to his home in Stockholm, and after lengthy talks, it became clear that this is what he felt is best for him. We immediately contacted NiP to see if there was any way we could come to an agreement of a transfer - and here we are.  

- We could have insisted on keeping Nicolai until his contract expires in December, but when someone who has served the team the way he has, we will do our utmost to find a solution that satisfies both parties. The transfer agreement with NiP is such a solution, and while everybody in Astralis is sad to say goodbye to Nicolai, we are also happy that we have been able to accommodate his request in a way that compensates us and leaves us all in a good position going forward.

- On behalf of the entire Astralis organization, I wish Nicolai the best and thank him for his time, efforts, always positive contribution to our culture - and countless of unforgettable moments!

- Naturally, saying goodbye to a player like “dev1ce” will be a challenge short term, but changing players is part of the game and we are well prepared. We will see a strong Astralis team compete at the very top, and no matter how much we will miss him on the team, this transfer does not change neither our daily work, our ambitions or the strategy.  

Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz:

- Astralis has been such a big part of my life, the team, and the organisation, and I say goodbye to a bunch of awesome teammates and great people in the organization, many of whom I am very close with.

- The past year with COVID and everything else associated has been incredibly tough for all of us, like so many people in so many careers. Living far from the office, not being able to meet your teammates, online and virtual training and playing from afar has been challenging. It has become clear, how much I miss having a team and an organization close to me, and for so many reasons the time simply feels right to change things up and find myself in all this.

- I would like to thank Astralis for their understanding and cooperation in all of this; I enter a project I truly believe in, and I am looking forward to finding the stability and good energy of having a more balanced work life. I can’t wait to get started with my new team and teammates!

- My time with Astralis, on the team, in the office, with the performance group and all the partners has been a key period in my life that I will always cherish. Primarily I want to   thank all the fans for their support, it is impossible to say how significant they are to me, the team, the game, and the sport.

-  Astralis will always be a part of me, and I look forward to meeting everybody again on and off the server.

The parties have agreed not to comment on financial details.

Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz has already had his last day in the Astralis, who will play with “gla1ve”, “Bubzkji”, “Xyp9x”, “Magisk” and “dupreeh” in the coming DreamHack Masters from April 29th.