He’s coming home: Return of dev1ce

October 27, 2022
Click for Danish

We have entered a transfer agreement around Nicolai “dev1ce” Reedtz, which means that with immediate effect, he will be reunited with Astralis. "dev1ce" is one of the most dominant CS:GO players of all time and he was a key part of the most winning Counter-Strike team in history.

The transfer brings great joy to both Director of Sports Kasper Hvidt and the player himself.

Kasper Hvidt, Director of Sports

- Nicolai is an exceptional player and person, who under the right conditions is an invaluable support for his teammates and one of the world's absolute best in the AWP role.

- For various reasons has not been in official competitions for a long time, but over the past months he has built himself up, and he is coming back to us with a strong hunger to help the team.

(dev1ce) will be one of the cornerstones of what we are building - Kasper Hvidt

- For the first time in years, we do not have a big tournament just around the corner and no immediate pressure, so we take the time to do things right on and around the team – at the right time. This also goes for his tournament comeback. Nicolai will step into the group and work with the coach and team immediately, and I am sure his presence will make a difference from day one.

- I am delighted that we have succeeded in bringing a huge fan favourite, a fantastic player, a cultural bearer and a real team player home to Astralis. He will be one of the cornerstones of what we are building on and around the team.

- It is important for me to emphasize that Asger "farlig" Jensen, who is now replaced by Nicolai, is a talented, loyal, and hard-working player, who has done everything he could to help the team. There are not many Danish players who would immediately take over the role and we have already started the work to find a good solution, so that he can continue his development, Hvidt rounds off.

Nicolai "dev1ce" Reedtz

Nicolai "dev1ce" Reedtz

- I can’t describe how happy I am to be home again. Astralis is very close to my heart and everyone who has been here for a period of time knows that it is a very special organization with great values, lots of internal support, and I am more than ready to help build Astralis' future!

- Everyone knows that I have been through a difficult period, but I’ve taken the time out that I needed to recover and find the best version of myself. That only gives me extra motivation and I want to focus my energy on looking forward. I have found the desire and joy to play again – I’m excited to get back to doing what I love, contributing to the team and I can’t wait to get started.

- Astralis know exactly what kind of player they are getting, I know the vast majority in the organization and know what I have to deliver on and off the server. I am aware, expectations will probably be higher than what we can deliver off the bat, but I also know that the organization is very good at shutting out the noise and standing together.

- At the same time, Astralis has a unique fan base that supports us through thick and thin, and I'm just happy to be able to pull on the shirt again and repay the support that I and the team have always experienced.

New Jersey

Fans are invited to greet dev1ce at Astralis Nexus this Saturday

The shirt Nicolai "dev1ce" is presented in is Astralis' 2023 shirt, which is the organization's first ever red shirt. With the Danish flag around the neck, the shirt is a tribute to the Danish esports environment and should be seen as a thank you for the support of all the many Danish Astralis fans and those who have supported the development throughout the years, who essentially have made it all possible.


The fans will have the opportunity to welcome “dev1ce” back home on Saturday, where he, “gla1ve”, “blameF”, Aurora and others will participate in a Meet & Greet at Astralis Nexus. Media are welcome from 11AM-1PM.

Nicolai "dev1ce" Reedtz joins immediately on a multi-year deal.