Newcomer ManeschijnX Shines in ESL Impact Season 3 Exit

March 30, 2023

On March 29, Astralis (w) played in a Best-of-Three match against Ninjas in Pyjamas during the ESL Impact Season 3, an all-female CS:GO tournament held online. Despite winning NIP's map pick, Anubis, with a score of 16-14, they were unable to maintain their momentum on their own map pick, Inferno, losing 9-16. NIP ultimately secured their win on the deciding map, Overpass, with a score of 9-16.

Astralis (w) is currently ranked #240 in the world, while NIP is ranked slightly higher at #220. This match marked an important moment for the Astralis (w) team, who have been working hard to improve their performance in tournaments. The ban pick order during this match was also notable, with NIP Impact removing Nuke first and Astralis fe removing Vertigo.

End of the first map, where our team reversed a dire situation to secure a tight 16-14 win

Despite the loss, there were some standout performances from the Astralis (w) team during the tournament, particularly on their map pick, Inferno. Luna 'ManeschijnX' Akkermans, the newest member of the team, secured the highest K-D (+4) and ADR (80.6) on her team, earning an impressive rating of 1.19.

Astralis (w)'s previous matches in ESL Impact League Season 3 resulted in a loss against BIG EQUIPA on March 16 with a score of 0-2, and a win against MVP on March 9 with a score of 2-1.

While the loss is undoubtedly a setback for Astralis (w), they have shown that they are capable of competing against higher-ranked teams and have gained valuable experience from this match.

Other notable teams in the tournament include BIG EQUIPA, VP.Angels, and G2 Oya. Now, Astralis (w) will continue to work towards improving their ranking and performance in future events.