No ESEA playoffs for Astralis W

March 7, 2023

On Wednesday, we played our final game of the ESEA Open Season 44. With a win, we would find ourselves in the top 192 teams that qualify for the playoffs, meaning that this game was absolutely crucial for us to win.

Our opponent of the night was animepfp, and the map was Ancient. We started the game as CTs and secured the pistol round to start off this decisive game. The following five rounds went to our opponent, but from there on out, we established our CT-sided dominance and ended the first half with a score of 9-6 in our favor.

With great confidence from the first half that included highlights such as a 4k by Aurora "aurora" Lyngdal, we started off our T-side with another pistol-round win. After animepfp secured a couple of rounds, the score was quickly set at 11-11. At this point, the game took an intense turn. With back-and-forth round wins evenly split between our opponent and us, the game went to the last and final 30th round that we won and took the game into overtime.

Despite a few round wins, our opponent eventually won the game with a 17-19 score. This means that we didn't qualify for the playoffs. We demonstrated several strong qualities, and we have been working hard to improve. Our coach, Søren "zibron" Geertsen, says: 

We have improved our way of playing CS with our players being given the opportunity to play more independently

- ESEA has been a rollercoaster and a trial period for us. Unfortunately, we didn’t qualify for the playoffs, but with the handicap of being one player down for half the season, I’m pretty satisfied. We have improved our way of playing CS with our players being given the opportunity to play more independently, which is sometimes needed to make the right plays.

- After having witnessed the women, both as a spectator and player, I’ve realized how stressful their environment is. We need to work on slowing down in certain situations and talk things through before making any finals decisions. I’ve learned the importance of being the color in-game to make the radar as clear as possible to improve communication. I want to thank the girls for that!

We will work hard on improving for our next matches, and thank you for your continued support!